A Town Called Panic is an animated film, directed by Vincent Patar and Stephane Aubier who is a Belgian animator. The producer of the film is Adriana Piasek-Wan. It took about two decade of the production crew complete this film. "A Town Called Panic" is based on a Belgian television series of the same name. The film tells us of a story with wacky adventures of three plastic toys. The main characters are Cowboy, Indian and Horse (all 3 are plastic toys). They live in a rural town, called Panic, where all the adventures happen. The main characters live in a town which attracts weird events. It is the birthday of the horse. Thus, the Cowboy and the Indian plan to give the Horse a surprise gift. However, they accidentally order 50 million bricks instead of 50 bricks. While attempting to hide the bricks, their house is destroyed. This is just the beginning of a set of wacky events. They eventually travel to the center of the earth, have to cross the frozen Tundra and find some pointy headed creatures. To make the story more interesting, Horse has a crush on a local piano teacher named Madame Longree. Even though the plastic toys cannot bring emotions, the distinctive voice talent gives them personality.
"A Town Called Panic" is an official selection for the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.
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